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Hospice Care

Hospice Care services are available to help our furry friends at the end of their life, or at times of need. The pet MUST have a medical condition in order for us to move forward with humane euthanasia.

The following services are available:

Appointment + pain meds(as determined by our DVM) $45 + medications

Private Cremation is body care only and includes the urn and paw print: $290
(The pet returns in about 10-14 days)

If you would like to be PRESENT during humane euthanasia, there is an additional $310 which includes:
(IV Catheter, cocktail of Euthanasia meds to help with the transition)

If you would NOT like to be present during humane euthanasia there is an additional $140 which includes:
(Cocktail of Euthanasia meds to help with the transition)

Private Cremation / Present During Euthanasia:
Private Cremation                   $290
Present During Euthanasia   $310
Total package                          $600

Private Cremation / Not Present
Private Cremation                          $290
Not Present During Euthanasia   $140
Total package                                  $430

Group Cremation / Not Present
Group Cremation                            $95
Not Present During Euthanasia   $140
Total package                                  $235

At home burial / Not Present
Pet is taken home                            $ 0
Not Present During Euthanasia   $140
Total package                                  $140


Group Cremation (no ashes to be returned) $95

At Home Burial: There is no additional fee, you will take your pet with you.